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Dairy Farm Sunset


After finishing up a career in the US Air Force in 2007, Daryl Maas returned to his hometown in a dairy community in northwest Washington. He discovered many of his friends in dairy families were interested in deploying digester technology to capture energy from animal waste. He developed and commissioned his first biogas facility in 2009.

In 2010, Daryl moved his family to Redding, CA and founded Maas Energy Works (MEW) to explore the large growth opportunities in the renewable sector there. MEW completed its first California dairy digester in May of 2013 on Van Warmerdam Dairy in Galt, California.

MEW has since served as the lead developer on 60 new or upgraded dairy digester facilities that currently process manure from over nearly 70 farms making the company the most experienced dairy digester developer on the continent. MEW coordinates project teams, designs, schedules, permits, grants, and utilities, while selecting equipment and contractors custom to each dairy facility. The company also operates digesters and monetizes the biogas and all of its environmental attributes. Since 2007, MEW has built a team of over 120 full time digester experts, plus a network of strategic partner companies that have a familiar, collaborative working relationship that is unequaled in the industry, enabling projects to move rapidly, avoid unnecessary costs, and provide a high quality and reliable outcome. MEW’s history of timely construction and continual operational performance is unparalleled in the industry and is critical to realizing “Renewable Energy that Works.” 

Methane Digester

I’m passionate about taking waste and making it into something useful. It’s just such a great picture of what humans are called to do. - Daryl Maas

After hundreds of thousands of operating hours in three states and processing the manure on nearly 20 farms, we know how to build and run these projects. Our projects are cost-effective and efficient, reliable in real-world field settings. 

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